
Understanding the Roles and Incentives of Landlords and Property Managers: Choosing the Right Software for Self-Managing Landlords

Rental property management can be intricate, requiring keen organization, precise communication, and robust operational strategies. Both landlords and property managers are pivotal in this sphere, but they often have distinct goals and incentives. Self-managing landlords, aiming to streamline and enhance their operations, benefit from tailored software solutions. This guide dives into the contrasting roles of landlords and property managers, offering insights for landlords on selecting the best software for their portfolio. Additionally, we'll shed light on hybrid management solutions - a cost-effective and flexible alternative to conventional property management services or standalone self-management.
desperate evicted male entrepreneur standing near window

3 Things to Do Before Filing for Eviction

One very important thing to keep in mind is that while landlords and property managers do have the right to evict a tenant for nonpayment, such a "nuclear" option should be used with discretion as it disproportionally and adversely affects the tenants. So, consider these three options before filing an eviction to rid of a nonpaying tenant.