ten dollars with inscription and building

Real Estate under Modern Monetary Theory

In terms of comfort level, today's middle class will most likely surpass that of a medieval king. But it'll be too hasty of a conclusion just to say working a 9-5 job as a middle class is better than being a medieval king. It's an overly simplified analogy, but you get my point here: What we track and measure has a profound influence on our decision-making process, and it's important to make sure what we track is representative of our ultimate goal.
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Independent Landlord’s Survival Guide in the Post-pandemic World

To survive in the post-pandemic world as an independent landlord, we really have to stay focused on our long-term strategy, adopt a more modern approach process to make daily operation more frictionless, and be cooperative and flexible when it comes to facing challenging situations with tenants. In the end, being a good landlord is not just about "maintaining good cash flow", but also about having happy "customers" (tenants) for your business.
desperate evicted male entrepreneur standing near window

3 Things to Do Before Filing for Eviction

One very important thing to keep in mind is that while landlords and property managers do have the right to evict a tenant for nonpayment, such a "nuclear" option should be used with discretion as it disproportionally and adversely affects the tenants. So, consider these three options before filing an eviction to rid of a nonpaying tenant.
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Stocks vs. Real Estate, and Why I Chose Real Estate

To compare them apples-to-apples, we really need to look at the Sharpe ratio, which is used to help investorsĀ understand the return of an investment compared to its risk. An investment with a higher Sharpe is preferred over one with a lower Sharpe ratio; it means under the same risk level higher Sharpe ratio investment is going to yield a higher excess return or to get the same excess return with lower risk.